Civically minded

It’s that time again when everyone around you is lazying themselves up for the “end” of the year. Or perhaps, taking stock of what they have put in layaway in Wal-Mart. It’s just a moody time of year.


If you’re American, then you should be registered to vote. Yup, you still have to vote this year. What is the deadline to register in your state? It could be this week. It could be today. Don’t delay check your voter status here right now:

I hope you take a few moments to do that if you have not already. Now, take the pledge to actually vote instead of just thinking about it. You can read about your elected and currently running officials. You can donate if you would like and you can volunteer your time with a campaign that you think deserves a win. Or possibly all you care about is the school board or judicial elections in your local city or region. That’s alright. Remember, that your only voice is through that ballot. Unfortunately, many do not take the time (or even care) to read about their elected or running officials. I do not mean simply at the local level, I mean at the Senate level. Who is your senator? Who is your governor? What about your state representative? Know who these people are and be aware of their standpoint or issues.

You can also vote by absentee ballot. Each state also has deadlines for this as well, maybe this could be cutting it close or maybe you have loads of time (you will use the latter as an excuse and forget, but let me persuade you to open another tab and do it right now!) but in some way you know its there but its not easily understood. At least that’s what you think. The truth is none of this is hard and if you’re holding back because of your lack of a viable id, then head to your local DMV and see what they can do for you. You can apply for an id card, though now is probably the time to do it as it likely takes time to process a card. If you are a student I wish I could say you could vote with your student id but in most cases, you cannot and need something more than that. In the state I am in, though I recognize this is not the same in all states, a voter id card must have one’s photo and be issued by the state. These are the two main requirements. In most cases it is similar but stipulations persist.

I hope that if you can vote, you will. I hope that you find out today if you are registered to vote. No more waiting. No more wasted time.

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